Is Introversion A Problem?

That's why we cannot label any individual? It will become complex.

As the world applauds the extroverts, the introverts dissented! We live in the world that when you are silent or not socialising much, the extroverts commences wondering what is erroneous with you? Is introversion a quandary? Not at all!

I had vivid recollection one of my classmates in the University years ago and drawn to the introversion personality of her that made me build amity eventually. Veraciously, she did not mix with my other circle of friends, and I was thoroughly fine with it. She just alluded to keep our duo amity without inviting her in my other circle. I kenned I have to make the first move otherwise that precious friendship would have never in this online journal.  Ironically we studied similar course in teaching education (she is for elementary and I for high school). A component of her personality still astounds me from her inner solitude comeliness that even our instructors were unable to let her verbalise in front of the class. I admit I battled with stage-freight and surmounted when I became a teacher. I have discovered from that unique experience of amity with her; she is no doubt a jewel comeliness and unspoken genius! You would have to dig her friendship note as we did distinct exchange recollection written personal notes to each other. Genuinely, she was a precious gem for me until now in my recollections inditing this article. I hope soon; she would stumble upon my blog and read that I have not taken our friendship for granted. I treasured it most to these days to my dear friend Portia.

Secondly, my husband and I have met a couple in the Philippines with two kids. They just naturally shared with us regarding their children that one of them is silent but genius at school. Hmmm, my friend that I just mentioned above rang a bell and shared with them regarding my friend. They found a great relief conversing with us to our surprise they realise there is genius introvert out there contiguous to their son. They empathised and shared their construal regarding my sister too who has undiagnosed dyslexia and related with my mother who is going through the process of parenting for such an extraordinary challenging and yet unique kind of personalities that most would never relish to associate with or go that extra mile.

Thirdly, my empathy goes with learners who are having Learning Difference or Learning Difficulties or LD, or all remotely labels towards them. They are very vulnerable susceptible when it comes to being introverts since they unaccepted mundane in our old institutional society. Our society still endeavouring to habituate this soi-disant diversity of human kinds of minds in the world that we all need as Temple Grandin shared openly at TED talk’s conference regarding autism and dyslexia.

Fourthly and not the least, my husband often shared with me when a topic such this elevates up reminded him plenarily how mortified he was in front of his elementary teachers that never had a clue to embolden him in the class due to his shyness. He showed me his old grading card marked with it! Until today, that lack of edifying ability to uplift a shy boy my husband left a scar on his recollection that I needed to enhearten once again! Oh man, you have to optically discern him oozing his capabilities that his teachers would have never kenned of him now - he is a life coach, and he could stir the pot plausibly if you have not kenned him yet. My dear treasured hubby and forever friend! I treasured you dearly bub, which is why I married you if only you know!

I am blissful to apportion with you Susan Cain's speech at Ted's conference verbalises her introversion to the world of extroversion as she targeted the most important points! Take your time, watch the short video below, and apportion your introversion ingeniousness!

"Our world prizes extroverts --
but Susan Cain makes a case for
 the quiet and contemplative." ~
"If you look at the most of the world's major religions, you will find seekers -- Moses, Jesus (Yeshua), Buddha, Muhammad, -- seekers who are going off by themselves alone to the wilderness where they then have profound epiphanies and revelations that they then bring back to the rest of the community. So no wilderness, no revelations." ~Susan Cain~
"Solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity. No wilderness, no revelation" ~Susan Cain~

As Susan Cain claims as an Introvert, I for myself can be both an introvert and extrovert or an ambivert in the psychological term! At the cessation of the day, is there such a thing to describe such a person? We all are unique, and we do all have something to apportion to the world especially we live in the digital age! We have no exculpation to be an introvert anymore.  If Moses who preserved the Israelites from the land of Egypt was an introvert and needed his extrovert brother Aaron to verbalise what God had verbalised with Moses in the wilderness then we who can access the Internet, utilise it as our Aaron convivial media implement to apportion and collaborate ingeniously, usefully not destructively to the world!

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