Top 5 Lists to Refashion Men's Shirts

Top 5 Lists to Refashion Men's Shirts

Note: Save the earth piling pollution by refashioning or upcycling your man's (favourite) shirts. Any instructions needed, click to each Blogger's link provided. Your partners or husbands will often have long sleeve shirts hanging either outgrown or what not. You may either give them away to charity or refashion them these days. Some are refashioning and selling them on handmade shops online like Etsy and others like your blog.

Here are five lists from bloggers and creators online:

1. From Man's Shirt to Woman's Fabulous Dress via TipJunkie  

2. From Man's Shirt to Woman's Skirt via Melissa Esplin

3. From man's shirt to woman's apron via WhiteKay sold on her Etsy account.

4. From Loose Plaid to Refit Shirt via CutOutAndKeep

5. From man's polo shirt to a lady's dress via Refashion Co-op

Happy refashioning, refitting and making the world a better place for your next generation environmentally friendly conscious! For more ideas go to Pinterest and soak it in :-)

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  1. These refashioning ideas are totally awesome! I’m certainly trying them out myself. I would appreciate of you could also make a similar post on how to refashion any old sports bra. There are a few lying around in my wardrobe and it would be great if I could make something out of them.
