Mozzigear Mosquito Repeller Review

Mozzigear Mosquito Repeller Review

We bought this at Chemist Warehouse for $14.69, lesser price than other shops for this brand and try it first. I've got two different natural formula sprays at home but the Australian mosquitoes still love eating my blood! Although when I used the natural spray anti-mozzies in the Philippines, it works there for me. Ebay sellers do give better deals for no brand but maybe I will try them later.

It works at first! Thank God!

My ears are sensitive to the ultrasonic sound, so I need to clip it further down my shirt.
Wearing it over time, some mosquito eventually bites me. I don't know about you?

Mozzigear Mosquito Repeller
Reviewed by JenniferBaulch on January 27, 2017
Rating: 5/5 Stars

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